Costa Rica - June 16-23

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Giving back - planting trees!

This morning we had the privilege of planting almond tree seedlings - "arbolitos" - in an area near the Tirimbina Reserve where we stayed last night. We were excited to get out shovels and work as teams to make our planet better for our children - more oxygen, more water, more habitats for birds!

Ana and Leah named their five seedlings - "Sara," "Pumpkin," "Sea Slug," "Sassafras," and "Bert." Now they can think about them for years to come! Abby C found a worm and named it "Wormy." Sadly, he died on the bus. RIP Wormy.

After our hard work, we were refreshed by thick slices of fresh pineapple and bananas!


  1. so we need to plan a follow up trip to check on the almond trees! Happy, healthy planting!

  2. yahoo! Looks rain free and sunny...can't wait to see pictures of the ziplining! Great Job! Blessings to Wormy...

  3. Hi Jess! I noticed a few other familiar faces in these pictures so also Hi Tyler and all the other Espy kids! This trip looks like a blast. I am so excited for you... too bad you aren't in my class again - I'd have you teach a lesson on Costa Rica. By the way the chocolate looked soooo good.
    Mrs. S

  4. Hi Leah! I like the names of your seedlings -- very original. Keep up the good work for our planet!
    Aunt Lori


Programs Details

Duration 8 days
When June 16 - 23, 2010
Focus Ecology/Conservation